Source code for lmcache.cache_engine

import hashlib
import logging
import time
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch

from lmcache.config import LMCacheEngineConfig, LMCacheEngineMetadata
from lmcache.logging import init_logger
from lmcache.storage_backend import CreateStorageBackend
from lmcache.utils import CacheEngineKey, KVCache, _lmcache_nvtx_annotate

logger = init_logger(__name__)

[docs] class LMCacheEngine: def __init__( self, config: LMCacheEngineConfig, metadata: LMCacheEngineMetadata, ): """ raises: RuntimeError if the loaded configuration does not match the current configuration """ self.config = config self.metadata = metadata self.chunk_size = config.chunk_size self.save_decode_cache = config.save_decode_cache self.miss_tokens_count = 0 self.hit_tokens_count = 0 self.hit_rate = 0.0 self.engine_ = CreateStorageBackend(config, metadata) logger.debug(f"Current storage backend type {type(self.engine_)}")
[docs] def _make_key(self, chunk_hash: str, fmt: str) -> CacheEngineKey: return CacheEngineKey( fmt, self.metadata.model_name, self.metadata.world_size, self.metadata.worker_id, chunk_hash, )
[docs] def _num_tokens_in_kv(self, kv_tensors: Union[KVCache, torch.Tensor], fmt: str) -> int: if fmt == "huggingface": return kv_tensors[0][0].shape[1] elif fmt == "vllm": return kv_tensors[0][0].shape[0] else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid format: {fmt}")
[docs] def _get_init_hash(self) -> str: return ""
[docs] def _hash( self, tokens: torch.Tensor, prefix_hash: str, ) -> str: # TODO: change it to a more efficient hash function return hashlib.sha256( prefix_hash.encode("ascii") + tokens.cpu().numpy().tobytes()).hexdigest()
[docs] def _chunk_tokens( self, tokens: torch.Tensor, ) -> Iterable[torch.Tensor]: """ Chunk the tokens into chunks of size self.chunk_size. :param tokens: the input tokens, with shape [seq_len] device: the target device after chunking :return: a generator of chunks of tokens, each with shape [chunk_size] """ # TODO(Jiayi): the following step can be parallelized for i in range(0, len(tokens), self.chunk_size): yield tokens[i:i + self.chunk_size]
[docs] def _prefix_hash( self, token_chunks: Iterable[torch.Tensor], num_skip_chunk: Optional[int] = 0, ) -> List[str]: prefix_hash = self._get_init_hash() prefix_hashes = [] for token_chunk in token_chunks: prefix_hash = self._hash(token_chunk, prefix_hash) prefix_hashes.append(prefix_hash) return prefix_hashes[num_skip_chunk:]
[docs] def _tuple_kv_to_blob( self, kv_tensors: KVCache, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Convert the nested tuple of kv tensors to a single big tensor with 2 extra dimensions """ k_temp = [] v_temp = [] for kv_layer in kv_tensors: k_temp.append(kv_layer[0]) v_temp.append(kv_layer[1]) k_tensor_blob = torch.stack(k_temp) v_tensor_blob = torch.stack(v_temp) # kv_tensors: [num_layer, 2, num_tok, num_kv_head, head_size] kv_tensors_flatten = torch.stack((k_tensor_blob, v_tensor_blob)) kv_tensors_flatten = kv_tensors_flatten.permute([1, 0, 2, 3, 4]) return kv_tensors_flatten
[docs] def _blob_to_tuple_kv( self, blob: torch.Tensor, ) -> KVCache: """ Convert a single big tensor to the nested tuple of kv tensors """ outer_unbound = torch.unbind(blob, dim=0) return tuple((inner_tensor[0], inner_tensor[1]) for inner_tensor in outer_unbound)
[docs] def _slice_kv_at( self, start_idx: int, kv_tensors: torch.Tensor, fmt: str, ) -> List[torch.Tensor]: """ vllm format: [num_layer, 2, num_tokens, num_kv_head, head_size] huggingface format: [num_layer, 2, num_kv_head, num_tokens, head_size] """ match fmt: case "vllm": return [ x.contiguous() for x in list( torch.split( kv_tensors[:, :, start_idx:, ...], self.chunk_size, dim=2, )) ] case "huggingface": return [ x.contiguous() for x in list( torch.split( kv_tensors[:, :, :, start_idx:, ...], self.chunk_size, dim=3, )) ] case _: raise ValueError(f"Invalid format: {fmt}")
[docs] def _chunk_kv( self, kv_tensors: torch.Tensor, fmt: str, ) -> Iterable[torch.Tensor]: """ Chunk the kv cache into chunks of size self.chunk_size. :param tokens: the input tokens, with shape [seq_len] :param kv_tensors: the kv cache of the tokens, in the format of nested tuples :param fmt: either 'huggingface' or 'vllm' :return: a generator of tuples, each tuple is a chunk of tokens and the corresponding kv cache. """ return self._slice_kv_at(0, kv_tensors, fmt)
[docs] def _make_chunks_skip_existing( self, tokens: torch.Tensor, kv_tensors: torch.Tensor, fmt: str, num_skip_prefix_chunk=0, ) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, torch.Tensor]]: """ Skip the existing chunks and return the rest of the chunks """ chunk_hashes = self._prefix_hash(self._chunk_tokens(tokens), num_skip_prefix_chunk) # With num_skip_chunks, the following is relative to # the new start after skip. num_tokens: int = self._num_tokens_in_kv(kv_tensors, fmt) start_token_idx = None start_chunk_idx = 0 for chunk_hash, idx in zip(chunk_hashes, range(0, num_tokens, self.chunk_size)): if not self.engine_.contains(self._make_key(chunk_hash, fmt)): start_token_idx = idx break start_chunk_idx += 1 if start_token_idx is None: return zip([], []) chunk_kvs = self._slice_kv_at(start_token_idx, kv_tensors, fmt) chunk_hashes = chunk_hashes[start_chunk_idx:] return zip(chunk_hashes, chunk_kvs)
[docs] def _make_chunks( self, tokens: torch.Tensor, kv_tensors: torch.Tensor, fmt: str, num_skip_prefix_chunk=0, skip_existing=True, ) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, torch.Tensor]]: """ Returns a generator of zipped (chunk_hash, chunk_kv) tuples """ if skip_existing: return self._make_chunks_skip_existing(tokens, kv_tensors, fmt, num_skip_prefix_chunk) else: assert num_skip_prefix_chunk == 0 return zip( self._prefix_hash(self._chunk_tokens(tokens)), self._chunk_kv(kv_tensors, fmt), )
[docs] @_lmcache_nvtx_annotate @torch.inference_mode() def store( self, tokens: torch.Tensor, kv_tensors_raw: KVCache, kv_tensors_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, skip_existing=True, blocking=True, ) -> None: """ Store the KV cache of the tokens into the cache engine. Format: either 'huggingface' or 'vllm' For huggingface, it should have the shape of [num_heads, num_tokens, head_size] For vllm, it should have the shape of [num_tokens, num_heads, head_size] :param tokens: the input tokens, with shape [seq_len] :param kv_tensors_raw: the kv cache of the tokens, in the format of nested tuples. The number of tokens in the kv_tensors_raw should be the same as trues in kv_tensors_mask if mask is not None. Otherwise, it should be the same as the input tokens. :param kv_tensors_mask: a boolean mask of tokens indicating which tokens' KV Cache should be stored. Only support suffix mask. None is taken as trues for all tokens. len(kv_tensors_mask) should be the same as len(tokens) number of true should be the same as kv_tensors_raw token number. :param skip_existing: whether to skip the existing chunks :param blocking: whether to wait for the store operation to finish :return: None Note: The KV cache should NOT have the "batch" dimension. """ start_time = time.perf_counter() fmt = self.metadata.fmt if kv_tensors_mask is None: kv_tensors_mask = torch.ones_like(tokens, dtype=torch.bool) assert (len( tokens.shape) == 1), f"Invalid shape of tokens: {tokens.shape}" assert (len( kv_tensors_mask.shape) == 1), \ f"Invalid shape of mask: {kv_tensors_mask.shape}" assert len(tokens) == len(kv_tensors_mask), \ "token length does not match mask length" # NOTE(Sixian): Now kv_tensors_mask always a suffix mask. num_skip_tok = (len(kv_tensors_mask) - torch.sum(kv_tensors_mask)) num_skip_chunk = num_skip_tok // self.chunk_size assert num_skip_tok == num_skip_chunk * self.chunk_size, \ "Store KV mask should align to chunk size" assert len(tokens) == self._num_tokens_in_kv( kv_tensors_raw, fmt ) + num_skip_tok, \ "Number of tokens in the kv cache does not match the input tokens" kv_tensors = self._tuple_kv_to_blob(kv_tensors_raw) """ chunk the tokens and the kv caches """ chunk_hashes_and_kvs = self._make_chunks(tokens, kv_tensors, fmt, num_skip_chunk, skip_existing=skip_existing) if not blocking: chunk_hashes_and_kvs = list(chunk_hashes_and_kvs) end_make_chunks = time.perf_counter() """ store them into the dictionary """ n_chunks = self.engine_.batched_put( ((self._make_key(chunk_hash, fmt), kv_chunk) for chunk_hash, kv_chunk in chunk_hashes_and_kvs), blocking=blocking, ) end_time = time.perf_counter()"Stored/updated {n_chunks} chunks, total time " f"{end_time - start_time:.2f}s, make chunks time " f"{end_make_chunks - start_time:.2f}s")
# prefix caching only needs a mask_len # but non-prefix might need an roi
[docs] @_lmcache_nvtx_annotate @torch.inference_mode() def retrieve( self, tokens: torch.Tensor, mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, return_tuple: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[Union[KVCache, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]: """ Retrieve the KV cache of the tokens from the cache engine. The retrieved KV cache should be a prefix of the input tokens. The KV cache of the tokens, in the format of nested tuples or a single tensor with shape [num_layers, 2, hidden_dim, num_tokens] (huggingface) or [num_layers, 2, num_tokens, hidden_dim] (vllm). Will be an empty tuple if no kv cache is retrieved (no matter return_tuple is True or not). :param tokens: the input tokens, with shape [seq_len] :param mask: a boolean mask of tokens indicating which tokens' KV Cache should be retrieved. Currently, only support suffix mask. :param return_tuple: whether to return the kv cache as a tuple or a single tensor :return: Tuple[ kv_tensors , ret_mask] indicate which tokens are retrieved """ num_skip_chunk = 0 num_skip_tok = 0 ret_mask = torch.ones_like(tokens, dtype=torch.bool) if mask is not None: num_skip_tok = (len(mask) - torch.sum(mask)) num_skip_chunk = num_skip_tok // self.chunk_size ret_mask[:num_skip_tok] = False st = time.perf_counter() fmt = self.metadata.fmt chunk_hashes = self._prefix_hash(self._chunk_tokens(tokens), num_skip_chunk) retrival_iterator = self.engine_.batched_get( (self._make_key(chunk_hash, fmt) for chunk_hash in chunk_hashes), ) retrieved_kv_chunks = [] for chunk in retrival_iterator: if chunk is None: break retrieved_kv_chunks.append(chunk) """ concatenate the kv cache """ dim = None match fmt: case "huggingface": dim = 1 case "vllm": dim = 0 case _: raise ValueError(f"Invalid format: {fmt}") if len(retrieved_kv_chunks) == 0:"Retrieved 0 chunks") self.miss_tokens_count += tokens.shape[0] ret_mask[:] = False return (), ret_mask # drop extra tokens in the first chunk extra_token_len = num_skip_tok - num_skip_chunk * self.chunk_size retrieved_kv_chunks[0] = self._slice_kv_at(extra_token_len, retrieved_kv_chunks[0], fmt)[0] ret: Union[KVCache, torch.Tensor] if return_tuple: st2 = time.perf_counter() ret = self._blob_to_tuple_kv(, dim=dim + 2)) ed2 = time.perf_counter()"Concatenated {len(retrieved_kv_chunks)} chunks " f"-- elapsed time {ed2 - st2}") retrieved_token_count = 0 if len( ret) == 0 else ret[0][0].shape[dim] else: ret =, dim=dim + 2) retrieved_token_count = 0 if ret.numel() == 0 else ret.shape[dim + 2] ed = time.perf_counter() self.hit_tokens_count += retrieved_token_count self.hit_rate = self.hit_tokens_count / (self.miss_tokens_count + self.hit_tokens_count)"Retrieved {len(retrieved_kv_chunks)} chunks " f"({retrieved_token_count} tokens in total) --" f"hit rate {self.hit_rate:.2%} -- " f"elapsed time {ed - st}") ret_mask[num_skip_tok + retrieved_token_count:] = False return ret, ret_mask
[docs] @_lmcache_nvtx_annotate @torch.no_grad() def lookup( self, tokens: torch.Tensor, ) -> int: """ Checks the existence of KV cache of the tokens from the cache engine. :param tokens: the input tokens, with shape [seq_len] :return: An int indicating how many prefix tokens are cached. """ # NOTE(Sixian): Now this is a prefix lookup. fmt = self.metadata.fmt total_token_cnt = len(tokens) current_token_idx = 0 chunk_hashes = self._prefix_hash(self._chunk_tokens(tokens), 0) for chunk_hash in chunk_hashes: if not self.engine_.contains(self._make_key(chunk_hash, fmt)): break current_token_idx = min(current_token_idx + self.chunk_size, total_token_cnt) return current_token_idx
[docs] def close(self): self.engine_.close()
class LMCacheEngineBuilder: _instances: Dict[str, LMCacheEngine] = {} _cfgs: Dict[str, LMCacheEngineConfig] = {} _metadatas: Dict[str, LMCacheEngineMetadata] = {} @classmethod def get_or_create( cls, instance_id: str, config: LMCacheEngineConfig, metadata: LMCacheEngineMetadata, ) -> LMCacheEngine: """ Builds a new LMCacheEngine instance if it doesn't already exist for the given ID. raises: ValueError if the instance already exists with a different configuration. """ if instance_id not in cls._instances: engine = LMCacheEngine(config, metadata) cls._instances[instance_id] = engine cls._cfgs[instance_id] = config cls._metadatas[instance_id] = metadata return engine else: if (cls._cfgs[instance_id] != config or cls._metadatas[instance_id] != metadata): raise ValueError( f"Instance {instance_id} already exists with a different " f"configuration or metadata.") return cls._instances[instance_id] @classmethod def get(cls, instance_id: str) -> Optional[LMCacheEngine]: """Returns the LMCacheEngine instance associated with the instance ID, or None if not found.""" return cls._instances.get(instance_id) @classmethod def destroy(cls, instance_id: str) -> None: """Close and delete the LMCacheEngine instance by the instance ID""" # TODO: unit test for this if instance_id in cls._instances: engine = cls._instances[instance_id] engine.close() cls._instances.pop(instance_id, None) cls._cfgs.pop(instance_id, None) cls._metadatas.pop(instance_id, None)